Página 114 de 888
Tarot coleccion The Modern Medieval Tarot - Shayne Wetherell & Tim Wetherell - 2006 (EN) (AGM)
Ref. 9783038194002-S
32,23 €
Precio sin IVA
Stock Disponible: 47 Uds.
The Modern Medieval Tarot is the creation of artists Shayn Amber Whetherell and Tim Whetherell.
Shayn Amber is a digital artist and Tim is a sculptor. As a result, these images reflect a unique blend of modern and traditional techniques
2006 - English - 240 g - 74 x 124 x 31 mm
Idioma Ingles - Editado en 2006 - Medidas 74 x 124 x 31 mm - peso: 240 g
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