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Tarot coleccion The Jesus Deck - Ralph M. Moore (Edicion de Lujo estuche) (54 Cartas) (EN) (AGM) (FT)
Ref. ID1034-S
111,57 €
Precio sin IVA
Stock Disponible: 3 Uds.
Es un oraculo de 54 cartas creado por William M. Atkinson
Made in Switzerland by AG Müller, distributed exclusively by US Games Systems, Inc. New York
What is the Jesus Deck?
How can it be used for reaching people with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
The Jesus Deck is a set of 52 + 2 (the Jokers) cards originally designed as a Christian education tool in the 1970’s. It has been published by a US games manufacturer, and was available on the internet.
In the 1990’s some Christians realised that for many people outside the church the reading of tarot cards has enormous interest. While they could not in any way condone the use of tarot cards as future telling , they did see opportunity for talking to people and using them as a starting point. Using regular tarot cards they began to engage with people to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
As an alternative to using the regular tarot cards some of us started to use the Jesus Deck cards. They provided a useful tool for speaking to people about Jesus Christ in a flexible and accessible way in one to one situation. People who were seeking to find out more about Jesus could have a conversation based around the cards.
The Jesus Deck has been especially useful in the context of Body Mind and Soul Exhibitions and local pub Psychic Nights. Groups using the Jesus Deck have grown up independently all over the British Isles.
Until recently Decks were available on the internet but as the world wide stocks of the cards were used up the cost went up. It is not possible to obtain them at a reasonable price now.
Penny Horseman then working for the Church of England in Essex tracked the price of Jesus Decks for some years and was aware that stocks were running out. As someone who used the cards in her work with people in all kinds of situations and trained others to use them too, this was a concern. In 2010 she began to make enquiries about the possibility of a reprint. The Deck has now been reprinted and is available from The Diocese of Chelmsford.
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