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COLECCIONISTAS TAROT OTROS IDIOMAS | Tarot coleccion Tarot Flamand de 1780 (Flemish Tarot) - F.I. Vandenborre 1983 (FR) (USG) (AGM)

Tarot coleccion Tarot Flamand de 1780 (Flemish Tarot) - F.I. Vandenborre 1983 (FR) (USG) (AGM)

Ref. 106701804-S
49,59 €
Precio sin IVA
Stock Disponible:   13 Uds.

Cartas y libreto de intrucciones en frances. Editado en Belgica

This deck is also called the Flemish Tarot by Vandenborre. It is a reproduction of the Vandenborre tarot published in Brussels, Belgium, in 1780. It follows the Tarot de Marseille pattern for the trump order but introduce several modifications : - LA PAPESSE has been replaced with Le'spagnol Capitano Fracasse (The Spanish Captain), - LE PAPE has been replaced by Bacus (Bacchus), - LA MAISON DIEU (The Tower) has been replaced by LA FOUDRE (the Thunder) and - LE MAT is numbered XXII and called LE FOU. - LA JUSTICE (Justice) is number VIII and - LA FORCE (Strength) is number XI. Figures like LE FOU, L'ERMITE, LA FORCE, LA MORT, are walking/looking in the opposite direction when compared to the socalled Tarot de Marseille. One can also identify a lot of spelling mistakes (Le Bateleux instead of Le Bateleur for example) which adds character. There are even more differences - The Hanged Man is portrayed right side up; The Star shows a seated man holding a divider looking at the sky like an astronomer (very simmilar as the Viéville tarot); The Moon depicts a seated figure that could be spinning like the figure in the Jacques Viéville 1650 tarot. The Court consists of Roi (King), Reine (Queen), Chevalier (Knight) and Valet (Page). The suits are Epees (Swords), Deniers (Coins), Batons (Wands) and Coupes (Cups). The Minor Arcana are pips. In short, the deck is a cross between the Vieville Tarot and the Tarot de Besancon pattern, drawn in a lively and modern way. The graphism is less detailed than the Jacques Vieville Tarot. Hands and feet are poorly drawn. The cards are colored in red, blue (light and dark), green, yellow and flesh coloured.

The cards measure 12 x 7 cm. (4 5/8" X 2 3/4"). The card stock is uncoated on the face of the card, but coated on the backs. The face of the card is a light tan, giving the appearance of age. The backs are white and have a simple Sun in a honeycomb pattern done in blue. Creator: Ignaz van den Borre (active between 1750 - 1760).

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