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COLECCIONISTAS TAROT OTROS IDIOMAS | Tarot coleccion Kalevala - Kalervo Aaltonen (En) (USG) (1999) (FT) 06/17

Tarot coleccion Kalevala - Kalervo Aaltonen (En) (USG) (1999) (FT) 06/17

Ref. 9780880790949-S
103,31 €
Precio sin IVA
Stock Disponible:   5 Uds.

Artists: Kalervo Aaltonen, Taina Pailos
Year: 1996
Items: 78
Product Dimensions: 2.75 x 4.50 inches = 6.99cm x 11.43cm
Suit Names: Dishes, Loaves, Swords, Stakes
Court Cards: King, Queen, Prince, Princess
Comments: The Fool is 0l Strength is 8l Justice is 11

Card Language: Finnish, English



A deck based on the Kalevala, a Finnish national epic, constructed in the nineteenth century and based on rural poems and songs. The card art of the Kalevala Tarot is brightly coloured in strong primaries.

The Kalevala Tarot is based on the Finnish national epic of poems, which were collected and publshed in the between 1830 and 1840. The cards feature semi-primitive art, based upon the characters in the epic.
It is similar to Celtic-based decks, in that it uses mythical characters to portray card personalities. Some of the suits are renamed, but not unreasonably so. Traditional tarot symbology is absent, however, you can still use the deck for tarot readings if you know your card traditional meanings.
The meanings that come supplied with the deck seem a little odd at first, however, when examined a bit deeper, they don't depart too heavily from the norm.

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