Página 142 de 888
Tarot coleccion Daughters of the Moon - Efiona Morgan (75 Cartas Redondas) (DE) (Urania)
Ref. 9783908650010-S
123,97 €
Precio sin IVA
Stock Disponible: 1 Uds.
The Definitive Feminist Tarot Deck! First Published in 1984, the deck customers say is the most beautiful they've ever seen.
Goddess and female archetypes from cultures, religions and traditions throughtout the world appear in the Daughters of the Moon Tarot. The deck envisions a women's community which reflects diversity, compassion and wisdom. The 5" round cards reflect a wholistic approach- envisioning cycles of energies in the cards, unlike the dualities and oppositions of traditional tarot.
This deck is a journey through multicultural Goddess herstory and visually a joy. I have not seen a feminist tarot that is so devoted to integrity and its celebration. She reminds us to remember our proud Goddess heritage and take our wisdom and strength from it...
- Z. Budapest
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