Página 132 de 888
Tarot coleccion Adrian - Adrian B. Koehli (EN) (AGM) FT
Ref. 9783905219036-S
99,17 €
Precio sin IVA
Stock Disponible: 13 Uds.
The Adrian Tarot is the work of Swiss painter and designer Adrian Bernhard Koehli. He used a computer to design the images for a project in communication design. There are several layers on each card including a vague background image or color, the card picture itself and a line drawing. The 22 major arcana cards can be laid out to form two figures - the man and woman from the Lovers card. The male figure is created from the first 10 cards laid out in the Tree of Life pattern from the Kabbalah. The female figure is formed in a similar way using cards 11-19. She represents the Tree of Knowledge. The instruction book for the Adrian Tarot is more complete than many. It includes a number of excellent spread choices. The titles on the cards are given in English and German.
Existe además una version set con libro en Aleman.
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