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Tarot coleccion Prager - Stuart Kaplan - 1980 (54 Cartas) (EN) (AGM)
61,98 €
Precio sin IVA
Stock Disponible: 30 Uds.
El tarot Prager se basa en la Astrología y Folklore Checo, es una baraja constituida por 22 Arcanos Mayores y 32 Arcanos Menores. Los trajes de los Arcanos Menores tienen cada una las 4 cartas de la corte, y únicamente 4 cartas numeradas del As al Four.
The Prager Tarot 1980
This is not the standard 78 card deck, rather it is a 54-card tarot deck. Designed by the tarot expert Steward Kapalan and contains rich, beautiful colors. The deck structure and card images are based on Chaldean astrology concepts and Czechoslovakian folklore. The deck consists of the standard 22 major arcana cards, plus 32 minor arcana cards divided into the four standard suits (wands, cups, swords, pentacles). Each minor arcana suit includes the traditional four court cards, but only uses four "pip" cards (numbered ace - four). The pip cards are individually decorated, but not fully illustrated in the "Rider-Waite" sense.
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