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COLECCIONISTAS TAROT OTROS IDIOMAS | Tarot coleccion  Abyssal - Shelly Corbett & Stephen Ahlbom (EN) (Ed. Limitada 1000)

Tarot coleccion Abyssal - Shelly Corbett & Stephen Ahlbom (EN) (Ed. Limitada 1000)

Ref. TA00012-S
144,63 €
Precio sin IVA
Stock Disponible:   36 Uds.

The Abyssal Tarot is a unique art deck with 78 images of sensual underwater photography. The evocative images are aligned with the Rider-Waite tradition, though they differ in appearance.

El Tarot Abysal es una baraja de arte única con 78 imágenes de fotografía submarina sensual. Las imágenes evocadoras están alineados con la tradición Rider- Waite , aunque difieren en apariencia.

Designer(s), Artist(s): Shelly Corbett, Stephen Ahlbom

Country of Publication: U.S.A.
Number of Cards: 78
Publication Year: 2005
Publication Status: Limited edition of 1,000 copies

Celebrate over a decade of Shelly Corbett’s images in a mystic plunge into the abyss!

This deck captures over 10 years of Shelly Corbett’s photography. Several of the images selected specially for this deck have never been offered as prints.

This 1000 deck printing features 6-color dotless stochastic impression on the 78-card deck, a matching 32 page booklet and two-piece presentation box. Each deck is individulally numbered and signed by both the artist and the author.


Review by Solandia

"The abyss of the water’s gentle depths is symbolic of the psychic depths of sensation, emotion, intuition, contemplation, and the unconscious."

The Abyssal Tarot is a unique collection of sensual underwater art photography by Shelly Corbett. The photographs were chosen from twelve years of her work, loosely aligned with the Rider-Waite tradition, and showcased as a deck of seventy-eight Tarot cards.

Shelly’s photography is romantic and otherworldly: the figures float weightlessly, like mermaids, seeming to flow though the card. The use of various shutter speeds to capture the image results in a blurring, that gives a sense of movement and unreality as though the figures were interrupted only briefly in their drift through the scene.

The colors are luminous; incredibly strong reds and blues leap out from the cards, and the images are sensual. Most cards show woman in various stages of undress; the nudity varies from romantic (Wheel of Fortune) to suggestive and arty (The Sun) to female full-frontal (the Moon, the Ace of Cups) to raunchy (Knight of Swords) to the appearance of violence (Devil and Judgement). The nudity isn’t gratuitous; it allows the body language to express as much emotion as the face, which is not always seen.

There is a range of emotion in the Abyssal cards, running the gamut from rage, love, fear, lust, innocence, pain, sadness, curiosity to passivity. The Lovers features an entwined couple, poised as though to kiss, their hair floating around their faces. The Devil is confronting, in its violent images of a woman, a hand around her throat, her eyes closed and her mouth open in what appears to be a soundless scream. My own favourites from the deck are the Wheel of Fortune (a woman, her face half under the water, holds a white bird in her hands; red roses border the cards and the background is green and deep, rich blue), and The Sun, which is a golden, soft-focused card with a central woman and glowing yellow filaments around them.

Published in a limited edition of 1000 copies, the decks are each numbered and individually signed by both creators. There were numerous obstacles in the path of the publication of these cards – the eroticism and suggestion of violence led to five published declining to print the work, but the eventual publisher produced a high quality deck, book and box. The two-piece box is made from very glossy card and shows an image of the Tower card on the front. The cards themselves are large-sized and on quite thin and flexible cardstock. A

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