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Tarot Coleccion Happy Star Tarot - Dmitriy Shevetson & Anna Simonova - 2016 (RU) Avvallon
Ref. ID1731-S
41,32 €
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Stock Disponible: 0 Uds.
Publishing house: Larec Tarot
Author: Felix Eldemurov
Artist: D. Shvezov
Size of cards: 75 Ñ? 125 mm
Structure: 80 cards, the instruction on Russian
Language cards: English
Charming deck from a leading Tarot reader of Russia, Felix Eldemurov, striking in its beauty and magical powers. The basis of the deck system of the Rider Waite, but with nekotoromi changes in MA - swapped 4 and 7 of swords, 5, and 6 of cups, 4 of cups and 7 because deck created by the author's system Felix Eldemurov"5 Crosses". Still, the symbolism of the cards, Tarot Rider, but the numeric order of the cards changed. A huge Thanksgiving to the artist, D. Shvetsova, the deck is very bright, the characters three-dimensional, with 3D effect and very beautiful!
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