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Tarot coleccion The Bohemian Gothic Tarot - Karen Mahony and Alex Ukolov (2ª Edicion) (2010) 12/15 (FT)
Ref. ID1361A-S
128,10 €
Precio sin IVA
Stock Disponible: 4 Uds.
Vampiros, hombres lobo, fantasmas y criaturas de la noche contribuyen a la extraordinaria atmósfera de estas cartas. Votado como "Deck of the Year" en 2007 y en la lista de "Top Ten Decks of All Time" el año pasado.
El Tarot gótico bohemio es oscuramente delicioso y tiene un sentido del humor perverso. Combinando bellas ilustraciones con una gran facilidad de uso, es un mazo que se lee con elocuencia, especialmente cuando necesitas explorar el lado oscuro de los problemas y las relaciones.
* 80 tarjetas a todo color y un folleto de 32 páginas empaquetado en un estuche de lujo de estilo cigarro
La reimpresión de 2010 es una nueva versión de este mazo extremadamente popular.
Cada carta ha sido cambiada, algunas de manera sutil, otras de una manera más radical.
Vampires, werewolves, phantoms and creatures of the night contribute to the extraordinary atmosphere of these cards. Voted "Deck of the Year" in 2007 and on the "Top Ten Decks of All Time" list last year.
The Bohemian Gothic Tarot is darkly luscious and has a wicked sense of humour. Combining beautiful artwork with great usability, it's a deck that reads eloquently, especially when you need to explore the shadow side of issues and relationships.
* 80 full-color cards and 32-page booklet packaged in a deluxe cigar-style case
The 2010 reprint is a new version of this extremely popular deck.
Every card has been changed - some subtly, others in a more radical way.
It's a deeply atmospheric set of cards that's steeped in the strange romanticism of Victorian Gothic fantasy.
79 fully-illustrated cards (not including title card)
Large card size — 128*78mm (a little over 5*3 inches)
Cards are printed on high quality 300 grm playing card stock with an inner carbon layer. This protects against bends and tears.
Instruction booklet is included.
All cards have been changed from the second edition. In most cards these are small changes of colour and lighting. In others, they are more significant.
The cards come in a solid, reusable box with a lid.
There is one extra card, the Lovers, based on the image from the first edition, that can be used as a bookmark or framed or, if you prefer, of course included in readings.
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