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COLECCIONISTAS TAROT OTROS IDIOMAS | Tarot coleccion Tarocco delle Collezioni - Osvaldo Menegazzi (Il Meneghello) (Numerado a 2000) Version italiana 0716 (FT)

Tarot coleccion Tarocco delle Collezioni - Osvaldo Menegazzi (Il Meneghello) (Numerado a 2000) Version italiana 0716 (FT)

Ref. ID1180A-S
78,51 €
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Stock Disponible:   1 Uds.

Tarocco delle Collezioni

Edicion italiana limitada y numerada a 2000 ejemplares relizada en 1979 por Edizione Il Meneghello

Creadas por Osvaldo Menegazzi & Giovannino Scarsato

78 Cartas de medidas 6 x 11 cms con instrucciones.


Tarocco delle Collezioni · Puppet Tarot 78 Card Deck by Osvaldo Menegazzi · Meneghello Editions, 1980 · Limited Edition 2000

78 cards (2.36 '' x 4.33 inches) & instructions. - Weight: 200 gr - 7.05 oz.

Creators: Osvaldo Menegazzi & Giovannino Scarsato

The Tarocco delle Collezioni (collections) is a full 78 card tarot deck printed on sturdy card stock and made up of colorful marionettes, and rare, valuable theatrical collectibles spanning many years of Italian stage and opera, sometimes dating as far back as the Renaissance period. Objects such as vases, masks, watches, statues, and other stage props share the limelight along with the many styles of puppets. Notes written sideways on some of the cards indicate what production that particular puppet was in and other such relevant information.

The cards are numbered in large, black Roman numerals in the Major Arcana. Justice is card VIII and Strength is XI, following the Italian tradition. The Minor Arcana also showcase collectibles, though cards 2-10 of each suit essentially depict the same image of the appropriate suit icon. The aces in each of the four suits (Bastoni/Batons, Coppe/Cups, Spade/Swords, and Denari/Coins) feature a clown, harlequin, or court jester. The King of each suit displays a different antique looking pistol. The Queens feature different carved masks. The Knights show different types of antique toy vehicles, such as a chariot, train, motorcycle, and car. And three of the four Pages feature a carved collector's pipe, except for the Page of Coins, which has an image of a man with the words "Francia 1800 - Radica policroma" besides it.  

The cards are narrow and slightly smaller than standard size. They are printed on a thick cardstock and the fronts have a glossy finish and the backs are an unfinished soft green color and are reversible. The edges are rounded. A folded sheet is included with general card interpretations of the Major Arcana (in Italian) that comes standard with many of the decks published by Il Meneghello. Encyclopedia of Tarot, vol. III, pp. 444, 448 - 449

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