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Tarot coleccion Ukiyoe - Kogi Furuta (2ª edicion Stamford) (EN) (USG)
Ref. 1067015632-S
103,31 €
Precio sin IVA
Stock Disponible: 13 Uds.
Ukiyoe Tarot
Illustrated by Koji Furuta
Distributed by US Games Systems, Inc.
Copyright 1983 by Stuart Kaplan
ISBN 0-88079-014-8
This is a truly lovely deck done in the Ukiyoe style of art. Ukiyoe is a form/style of Japanese art, thus the deck has a Japanese theme. The art is wonderful! The deck follows the Mareseilles style of order, number and naming, without deviation. The majors and court cards are fully illustrated, but the pips are not. The pips are more illustrated than the Marseilles, but mostly decorative rather than substantive.
The cards measure about 2.5 by 4.5 inches and handle well. Card stock is a little thin, but not flimsy. I have used my deck a bit, and they still look brand new. I suspect they will be durable.
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