Página 126 de 888
Tarot coleccion New Age - Neuzeit Tarot - Walter Wegmüller (EN-GE-FR) (AGM) (1982)
Ref. 9783905021516-S
45,45 €
Precio sin IVA
Stock Disponible: 40 Uds.
Tarot de 78 cartas - Autor Walter Wegmüller - AGM Müller - 1982
Tambien conocido como Tarot Neuzeit
Medidas 7 x 10,8 cms - Idiomas Aleman, Frnaces, ingles.
Also known as Neuzeit Tarot
A very trippy tarot deck, the characters on the cards of the Neuzeit Tarot (New Age Tarot) have odd faces and some of the cards are just strange. The card titles are printed in English, French and German.
Tarot Deck - 78 Cards - AGM Müller 1982 - Created by Walter Wegmüller
Major Arcana: 22
Minor Arcana: 56
Deck Tradition: Mixed
Minor Arcana Style: Unique Scenes With Suit Symbols
Suits: Cups, Swords, Wands, Pentacles
Court Cards: Page, Knight, Queen, King
The Fool is 0
Strength is 11
Justice is 8
Card Size: 2.75 x 4.25 in.
Card Language: German, French, English
Card Back: Reversible
Back Design: Geometric design in dark turquoise on white
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