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Tarot coleccion Egipcios Kier Tarot deck - Stuart R. Kaplan - 1ª Edicion New York 1984 (USG) 04/16
Ref. 9780913866238-S
322,31 €
Precio sin IVA
Stock Disponible: 4 Uds.
The Egipcios Kier Tarot is based on the original Egipcios Kier Tarot published in the 1970s with Spanish subtitles by Editorial Kier of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The artist was an unknown employee of Editorial Kier. In this deck, there is no minor arcana organized into suits. The cards are numbered from 1 to 78. Each card represents a certain quality and incorporates Egyptian symbolism and mythology. The central background of each has a metallic copper-colored sheen to enhance its visual imagery. Symbols on the cards include Egyptian hieroglyphs, alchemical sigils, letters from a magical alphabet, and other esoteric signs.
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