Página 206 de 888
Tarot coleccion Deva - Herta Drnec & Roberta Lanphere (nº1942) (1986) (Cuadrado - 93 Cartas) (DE-EN-FR) (Ptnik) (0715)
Ref. ID0099-S
49,50 €
Precio sin IVA
Stock Disponible: 14 Uds.
Realizada en 1986 y no reeditada de nuevo.
Consta de 93 cartas.
There are 93 cards, not the usual 78, due to the addition of a fifth suit and a card XXII at the end of the major arcana titled “The Separator.” In addition to the usual four suits (Wands, Cups, Swords and Discs), this delightfully graphic tarot employs a fifth suit, the “Triax.” It represents the etheric or spiritual element, somewhat reminiscent of The Book of Aradia’s Aether suit, which is a stand-alone fifth “spirit” suit. The Introduction notes that the Triax “refers to events or influences on a higher or soul level.” The LWB notes the deck is non-traditional in that it is aimed more at “deep thinking, growth, meditation and counseling.” In other words, do not seek the esoterica of the Qabalah here, but instead be a free spirit drawing on your own perceptions, responses, and feelings aroused by the use of the deck.
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