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COLECCIONISTAS TAROT OTROS IDIOMAS | Tarot coleccion Alcohol (EN) (1ª Edicion Limitada 1000) (Carta Mundi)

Tarot coleccion Alcohol (EN) (1ª Edicion Limitada 1000) (Carta Mundi)

Ref. 9780954915308-S
41,32 €
Precio sin IVA
Stock Disponible:   3 Uds.

78 cards plus two informational cards, packaged in a standard cardboard tuck box. Not accompanied by an LWB, though a URL is given for downloading a PDF version of the instructons (http://www.beertarot.com/).
Cards are 12 cm tall x 7 cm wide. The card stock is flexible and smooth, with a semi-matte finish.
The theme is alcohol and drinking, and the art style is photography. Only the major arcana feature people; the minors are more or less plain pips, with photos of a certain number of beer bottles or glasses, etc. I`d classify this as a illustrated deck, but definitely not scenic.
Backs are non-reversible.
Suits are Beers (Wands), Lager (Cups), Spirits (Swords), and Wines (Coins). 
Courts are Page, Knight, Queen, and King.
Strength is 8 and Justice is 11. The Fool (named The Drunken Fool) is numbered 0.
The name of the photographer or deck creator does not appear anywhere on the deck box, cards, or informational cards. In the PDF of the LWB, it is attributed to The Drunken Prophet.

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